Being a strong company on the market today involves large amounts of responsibility and investment in order to win over and maintain a presence in growing market segments. It is for this reason that LAMEL, founded in 1968, has always wanted to invest its resources, both financial and human, to achieve new goals.
Today, just like 40 years ago, it is thanks to the typical resources of Italian entrepreneurs - creativity, devotion and hard work- that LAMEL can grow and continually renew itself. Because today, as in the past, LAMEL has never stopped pursuing high quality standards.
The company moved to a new headquarters in 1991 and it was enlarged in 2005. New products are developed, there is constant focus on updating design and a growing clientele is reached in Italy and abroad. The client always comes first.
Quality and service.
Hard work that is rewarded
LAMEL is green...
LAMEL cares about the environment.